A nation is known by the standard of respect and care it takes to protect and maintain its Cultural wealth of which it is an heir. Increased awareness of the people of more advanced countries are now safeguarding certain "Historical Zones"in the urban as well as rural areas by introducing special provisions in their law as rural areas by introducing special provisions in their law which are under private ownership threatened by destruction or whole renovation.
The protection and preservation of an historical monument is not an end in itself unless it is attractively presented and integrated in the social and cultural life of the people surrounding it. These monuments are not isolated objects of curiosity preserved at the tax-prayer's cost. While preserving these treasured heirloom of the nation and using them, care must be taken to ensure that the use for which an Historical building was originally designed is consistent with the monument. Pathetic violation of this internationally accepted principle is however,glaring in Bangladesh.
The bulk of the protected Monuments of Bangladesh are of religious character, still in use, such as Mosque,Tomb,Temple,Stupas and the like.Precisely for many of such reasons many of our important historical buildings of the country had to be 'Deprotected' and helplessly witness their spoliation. Conservation services in Developing countries are faced with manifold problems. Limited financial resources are one of the other or important obstacle to creating the needed administrative structure, establishing and running a variety of Museums, protecting historical sites, carrying out archaeological Excavations and starting restoration work on endangered monuments.However, adequate financial resources do not provide all these answers. These are usually a real source of anxiety for the Government of Bangladesh and other heritage conscious persons and organization.
In spite of the great handicap under which the Government of Bangladesh [Particularly Department of Archaeology, Bangladesh] had been working it has carried out commendable conservation of some important historical/Architectural monuments of the country.
Bangladesh archaeology believes that, History is defined as a Biography of a nation. Scientific approach to national history necessitates the exploration of Archaeological sources.
Bangladesh Government and the Department of Archaeology of Bangladesh is fully concerned with the standardized method of Protection, and Conservation and as such cannot refrain itself from the task of rebuilding history of Bangladesh.And the past cannot be rebuild on the debries of the future
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