Bangladesh has been the cradle of civilization and a centre of cultural diffusion since the dawn of history of humankind. In it’s over two thousand years of chequered history Bangladesh became the meeting ground of various peoples in different states of civilization, the most primitive as well as the most advanced. Each phase of the history of this land has its distinct characteristics and every race who came and settled here, left their individual, racial, religious or cultural evidence in the form of secular and religious establishments along with their associated movable cultural properties. Unfortunately most of these have now perished with the passage of time due to destructive activities of man and nature. Still whatever relics, precariously survive today and lying scattered all over the country, eloquently testify to their lost splendor.
In 3rd century B. C. northern region of the largest delta formed a part of the vast Mauryan empire then known as ‘Pundravardhana Bhukti.’ Since then upto the 12th century A. D. north-west part of the country was successively ruled by the great Buddhist Mauryan rulers (3rd century B. C), the Guptas (5th century A. D), the Palas (8th to 11th century A. D) and the Senas (12th century A. D). The Trans-Meghna region to the south-east, however, constituted the ancient Buddhist kingdom of \Samatata\ -- a significant name indicating a kingdom located on the littoral of the Bay of Bengal. The Khadgas, the Devas, the Chandras, and the Varmans successively ruled over here. The whole country, later on, was gradually supplemented by the Turko-Afghan Muslim rulers from the beginning of the 13th century A. D.
The next Mughal rule from the 16th century to 18th century linked the Bengal region with the rest of India which resulted in a northern Indian cultural atmosphere along with Buddhist and Brahminical influences that prevailed in the country side by side with the tribal social ritualistic traditions. This socio-political fabric was further mingled with European cultures ushered in conquest of Bengal by the English in mid 18th century. Bengal remained under the British colonial rule for 190 years. Partition of India occurred in 1947 creating two countries, Pakistan and India. But the people of Bengal had to fight for democracy, equal right and economic parity within the new country. Cultural activist had significant role in all the struggle for freedom and economic emancipation. After 23 years of struggle against oppression. Bangladesh emerged as an independent state on 16 December, 1971. Under the leadership of the father of the nation Bangabhandu Sheikh Muzibur Rahman.
The cultural diffusion of Bangladesh took unique shape through its historical, geographical, religious and social context Specially scattered geographical location of gangetic delta and climatic diversity evolved emergence of scattered independent habitation of her population and from a singular, unique and diversified cultural tradition and history of modern Bangladesh.
02. Cultural heritage :
Cultural heritage is the bearing of past tradition of both tangible and intangible culture. The heritage are being maintained in the present which are to be carried down to the future generations. It retains and reflects the day to day life of the people and their activities. Basic components of culture are: knowledge, beliefs, ideology, education, language, ethics, laws and regulations, customs and many others, with the help of which a man identifies himself as a member of a particular society and a nation.
3.0. Bangladesh & Cultural Heritage:
Bangladesh has its own rich cultural heritage to glorify the image of the country in the world. It is possible to strengthen the image of the country as a nation through perfect development of culture and cultural heritage. Cultural activities can also be included with the economic development of the country. It is possible to develop a vibrant cultural economy through an interactive patronization among cultural activities, cultural traditions, tourism and trades.
3.1. Constitutional Commitments :
The importance of culture has been significantly underscored in postliberation days.
Bangladesh is committed for equal rights of people in every sphere of life. The urgency of protecting cultural heritage was strongly felt through the struggle for autonomy & independence. Immediately after independence state obligation was clearly envisaged in the new constitution of the country back in 1972.
Article-23 of our constitution says “The State shall adopt measures to conserve the cultural traditions and heritage of the people, and so to foster and improve the national language, literature and the arts that all sections of the people are afforded the opportunity to contribute towards and to participate in the enrichment of the national culture.”
Article-24 of the constitution envisaged: “The State shall adopt measures for the protection against disfigurement, damage or removal of all monuments, objects or places or special artistic or historic importance or interest”.
The highest legal instruments reflect commitment of the people and state in conserving cultural traditions & heritage and protection of archaeological & historical sites.
3.2. Law & other legal instruments :
For proper preservation and maintenance, flourishment and development of national culture and cultural traditions as in our National Policy of Culture was proclaimed in 2006 to uphold the traditional cultural heritages, beliefs and religious faiths of all the groups of people including all small ethnic groups inhabiting Bangladesh in accordance with the prevailing traditions of our country.
Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy, established under the Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy Act, 1989 (Act No. 22 of 1989), implements the objectives of the Policy under its purview along with its own activities. Its main objective is to safeguarding and fostering the national cultures as well as Intangible cultural heritage in Bangladesh.
Bangla Academy implements, according to the Bangla Academy Ordinance, 1978 (Ordinance No. 21 of 1978) for development and promotion of Bangla language, literature and culture.
Nazrul Institute, established under Nazrul Institute Ordinance, 1984 (Act No. 39 in 1984), ensures proper tune of Nazrul's song as per its notation and arrangs to offer training on it and inspire the scholars from home and abroad to undertake research on Nazrul's works and to implement relevant objectives of the Policy.
Bangladesh Folk and Art Foundation, established under the Bangladesh Lok O Karushilpa Act, 1998 (Act No. 8 of 1998), makes necessary arrangements for preserving history and folk-arts and crafts, imparting training on it, setting up an Art Museum and developing folk-arts and crafts and implementing the aims and objectives under its purview.
Khadra Nrigosti Ain has recently been adapted to allow establishment of cultural institute of ethnic and indigenous peoples of the country.
To preserve & protect cultural heritage of indigenous people an act naming Khudra Nri-Ghosty Cultural Institute Act has been enacted to protect indigenous cultural heritage.
To protect intellectual property right the Copyright Act, 2000 (Act No. 28 of 2000) and rules has been framed. Copyright Office takes effective steps for protection of copyrights of literary works, dramas, music, films and other related publications and implements the aims and objectives of the Policy under its purview.
3.3. Institutional arrangements:
The area of culture in Bangladesh is wide and extensive. Along with the Ministry of Cultural Affairs, Ministry of Information, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism, Ministry of Women and Children Affairs and the Ministry of Religious Affairs are playing important roles in preserving, nourishing, fostering and flourishing the cultural heritage and traditions. The Ministry of Cultural Affairs playing the role of catalyst and coordinator through her following 17 organisations:
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